Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a well known public health concern and is characterized by chronic pain, numbness, tingling and muscle dysfunction in the hands and fingers. Living with CTS can be a distressing and lonely experience. Fortunately, there is treatment available. In addition to more conservative medical practices, alternative therapies such as acupuncture can also be effective.

Read on to find out all about how acupuncture can help with CTS.

What is the best treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

The best treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is a holistic approach that aims to treat the patient through changes in lifestyle, physical exercises and special therapies. These usually include a combination of steroid medications, wrist splints, physiotherapy, and alternative methods such as acupuncture treatments.

Mainstream medicine tends to treat mild to moderate CTS by using nocturnal splints and steroid medications. If these are not successful, surgery is often resorted to. While these methods can be effective, the problem is that they are invasive treatments that can be distressing to the patient, disrupt ordinary life, are high risk, and can have side-effects.

For these reasons, the best treatment will also turn to traditional Chinese medicine. A recent controlled randomized research study has shown that acupuncture is an effective form of chronic pain relief, can act as an anti-inflammatory, and has restored some participants’ related nerve function. It can do this while being low-risk and minimally invasive.

Acupuncture can improve nervous impulse by stimulating acupuncture points and remapping the neural pathways in the brain that respond to pain signals. The primary outcome of this remapping of the brain is an effective reduction of unpleasant subjective symptoms in the hand such as numbness, pain and tingling. This can help the patient live a relatively normal life while the hand heals itself naturally. However, it should be noted that the same subjective results were recorded in groups that received sham acupuncture. In terms of the subjective health of patients, it’s still undecided how much is down to the placebo effect.

In addition to these subjective benefits, clinical trials have also found that acupuncture therapy can help the objective health of the area by reducing inflammation and swelling, and improving nerve conduction. The study showed that acupuncture is more objectively effective than splinting with sham acupuncture. We can therefore say with some confidence that acupuncture can be an effective form of treatment, although further studies are required to determine the extent of improved health.

Can carpal tunnel be cured naturally?

Carpal tunnel syndrome can sometimes be cured naturally through a combination of time, preventative measures and physical exercises.

The first thing to do is to stop repetitive behaviors that inflame the wrist and exacerbate the carpal tunnel. These might include typing on a computer all day or using high energy electric drills. Once you have done this, you can then review your symptoms to monitor your health.

Second, make sure you’re eating enough B vitamins. You can get these by eating vitamin B rich foods such as avocados, chickpeas, salmon, chicken, sweet potatoes and whole-grains like wheat, barley and oats. Studies show that B vitamins keep the nervous system functioning well and help reduce swelling. People who are vitamin B deficient are more likely to develop CTS or show more severe symptoms.

Third, carry out regular physical exercises. These might include yoga, stretching, physical therapy or massage. Each of these techniques can be good at restoring proper nerve function, reducing related inflammation and relaxing spasmatic muscles.

And fourth, you might try acupuncture treatments. After a course of about 3-6 treatments, acupuncture therapy can promote natural healing. Research studies have shown that by interrupting pain signals and remapping the brain’s neurological activity, acupuncture can relieve pain and let you get on with your life while your hand heals.

How do I relieve carpal tunnel pressure?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by the compression or entrapment of the median nerve that runs through the wrist. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to relieve this pressure. Research shows that if treatment is successful, the uncomfortable symptoms should be alleviated.

Compression of the nerve is usually caused by the swelling of the related tendons and muscles. If this is the case, then reducing the swelling will alleviate the symptoms and cure CTS by treating the cause.

Common treatments for relieving carpal tunnel pressure include splints and oral steroids or local steroid injection. The splint works by keeping the pressure of the inflamed tendons away from the median nerve. It is worn at night to keep the wrist straight. This helps to manage nocturnal symptoms such as tingling, numbness and pain and helps the patient sleep. The aim of the splint is to reduce symptoms until the inflammation passes naturally. By contrast, steroid treatments seek to reduce swelling and inflammation directly. If they are successful, swelling will diminish and symptoms should disappear. If neither of these conservative treatments work, then invasive surgery is sometimes resorted to.

Acupuncture is a promising alternative study treatment that has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation in some participants, although it has also been known to cause some further swelling in a minority of groups. Acupuncture seeks to open up the energy channels, reduce inflammation, remap the brain and in some cases heal damaged tendons or nerve tissue. A research study shows how this helps reduce symptoms such as pain and numbness without a troublesome splint or invasive surgery, and prepares the wrist to heal naturally. Acupuncture is perhaps the most effective way to relieve pressure when it is combined with steroid medications, yoga, hand exercises and massage.

Can acupuncture help numbness in hands?

Yes, acupuncture can help reduce numbness in the hands related to CTS. A clinical research study has shown that the effects of acupuncture are exceedingly positive when it comes to relieving pain and restoring regular sensitivity to the hand. The study demonstrated that acupuncture can modify neural responses in the brain that are at least as effective as steroid medications. This can have positive effects both on hand function and the subjective response to it. The acupuncturist will usually carry out around 3-6 sessions and then review the progress.

If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, Empathic Practice in Pensacola can help. We have expert acupuncturists who can treat the symptoms of CTS effectively and non-invasively. Book a session today and make positive steps to get your life back on track.