
In the world of culinary experimentation and holistic well-being, welcome back to “Cooking with Cannabis and Empathic Practice.” Today’s focus is on a practical demonstration that combines the power of cannabis with empathic practices to craft a potent medicated pain relief salve. This comprehensive guide will take you through each step, from preparation to application, ensuring a safe and effective experience.

Step 1: Setting the Foundation with Carrier Oil

To begin this journey into the realm of holistic pain relief, gather your materials and prepare a small double boiler. Within it, introduce two ounces of your chosen carrier oil. For this particular recipe, the richness of olive oil is being harnessed. 

– Prepare a small double boiler.
– Add two ounces of chosen carrier oil, such as olive oil.

Step 2: Cannabis Flour Infusion

With the foundation set, the journey into the cannabis-infused realm begins. Apply gentle heat to the double boiler and introduce seven grams of ground cannabis flour. For this recipe, the high CBD strain \”Cosmos\” is chosen, renowned for its muscle-relaxing properties. Ensuring the thorough saturation of the ground flowers within the olive oil is essential for a successful infusion.

– Apply gentle heat to the double boiler.
– Introduce seven grams of ground cannabis flour.
– Agitate the flour to enhance cannabinoid release.
– Ensure thorough saturation of the flowers in olive oil.

Step 3: Infusing the Olive Oil

As the flour becomes fully saturated, the temperature of the infusion mixture can be gradually raised. It’s advised to periodically stir the mixture to prevent burning and to encourage the optimal release of cannabinoids.

– Gradually raise the temperature of the mixture.
– Stir periodically to prevent burning and enhance infusion.

Step 4: Straining and Enhancing the Infusion

Once the cannabis-infused olive oil is ready, remove it from the heat and strain it into another heat-safe container using cheesecloth. At this point, the infusion can be taken to the next level by introducing half an ounce of beeswax. Careful monitoring of temperature and periodic stirring is crucial, as beeswax burns at a lower temperature.

– Strain the cannabis-infused olive oil using cheesecloth.
– Introduce half an ounce of beeswax.
– Monitor temperature and stir periodically to blend.

Step 5: Adding Essential Oils

The medicinal potential of this pain relief salve is further enhanced by the addition of essential oils. However, a mindful approach is essential to ensure their efficacy. Once the beeswax is fully melted, allow the pan salve to cool to a minimum of 120 degrees before introducing essential oils.

– Allow the pan salve to cool to at least 120 degrees.
– Introduce carefully selected essential oils for enhanced benefits.

Step 6: Crafting the Pain Relief Salve

As the salve cools, blend in the essential oils with a gentle stir. For this recipe, the following essential oils are recommended:

– 9 drops of peppermint oil
– 10 drops of camphor oil
– 5 drops of clove oil
– 7 drops of lemon and eucalyptus blended essential oil
– 5 drops of cinnamon oil

Step 7: Storing and Using the Pain Relief Salve

The journey reaches its culmination with the crafting of your very own topical pain relief recipe. Portion out a small amount of the salve for immediate use and store the bulk in the refrigerator for an extended shelf life of up to two months. Remember, when applying this potent topical solution, exercise caution around sensitive areas like the face and eyes, particularly when concentrated essential oils are involved.

In conclusion, this comprehensive guide has walked you through the intricate process of crafting a medicated pain relief salve using cannabis and empathic practices. By following these steps diligently, you can enjoy the benefits of a holistic and effective solution for your discomfort.

Remember, the power of holistic well-being is at your fingertips. Embrace this journey, and may your pain relief salve serve as a testament to the harmonious union of culinary creativity and empathic healing.

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